for the Private Sector

Our services are designed for leaders who believe that people, not companies, generate value.

We want to stay connected to our staff even as our company continues to scale. We need strategic insights on how to engage with our employees and encourage top performers to innovate. We want to honour the work of our employees by amplifying their voice in our decision making. We believe they are the most important part of our organization.

The CrowdBridge Solution


At CrowdBridge, we believe the crowd holds insights that can affect your business’ success. That’s why we’ve created a software that allows companies to get predictions from their employees. By proposing targeted questions, companies can get a more accurate idea of the opinion of their employees. These responses are then used to inform strategic business plans.

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With InnovationBridge, the crowd collectively decides which ideas for innovation will have the most impact. Similar to a Kickstarter campaign, each idea is “funded” or voted on by the crowd, giving organizations insights on which suggestions will yield the best outcome.

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Benefits of Working with CrowdBridge

Real-Time Updates – Uncover what your people really know about the opportunities and potential risks your department faces.

Engage Everyone – Don’t just measure employee engagement levels. Actually gather and implement employee insights to better inform business strategy

Time Efficiency – Save time in strategy meetings, on choosing projects, during major transitions, etc, by hacking bureaucratic barriers to the flow of critical information.

Diversity – Mitigate risks to an even greater extent by amplifying the voices of a diverse group of people with different experiences and knowledge

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